
I now have two “special” dates that have changed my life and the lives of my family and friends. It is a known fact, when you are diagnosed with cancer, your loved ones are “diagnosed” as well.

With my husband by my side, I went for my routine yearly mammogram on October 22, 2014. After the mammogram, I sat in this little room, wondering as I had many years prior, if this was the day my life would change again forever. Finally, the radiologist had the nurse come in and ask me many questions and I automatically started thinking there was a problem. Then the nurse said they needed to do a biopsy. After two different methods of biopsies and three hours later, my husband and I were finally able to leave. We were told we would have the results by the next day. It was a long drive home from Indianapolis. The next day, around midday, we got the call from my cancer surgeon confirming that I once again had breast cancer.

The “bump in the road” my husband and I dealt with consisted of numerous trips to Indianapolis, many doctor’s appointments, 11 weekly chemotherapy treatments (which did pass without complications), and finally, a mastectomy on March 17, 2015. My family and I waited for the pathology report after the surgery. Four days later, my cancer surgeon FINALLY called and confirmed I was cancer free. My surgery fell on St. Patrick's Day – it certainly turned out lucky for me!

It’s now July 2015 and I’ve endured several more doctor’s appointments, two more surgeries (with more complications) and eight days of hospitalization in Indiana University Methodist Hospital. I had a birthday on the 11th, which was extraordinarily special to just make it to another year older. I am still seeing doctors in Indianapolis as I did in 2005, which was the year of my first diagnosis. I am once again recovering and have at least one more reconstructive surgery scheduled for September of this year.

I am so incredibly grateful to my husband, family, and friends for persevering through this “bump in the road.”

I am STILL a firm believer in the research and care that I have received in Indianapolis, Indiana at the Indiana University Melvin and Bren Simon Cancer Center and at the Indiana University Medical Center. I am so thankful I have gotten the chance to go there for my breast cancer treatment, reconstructive surgeries, and routine follow-ups. I can truly say I have gotten to see the Vera Bradley Foundation for Breast Cancer funds at work.

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