
MC: What was the most challenging part of your treatment?

Liz Seculoff: The hardest part of chemo and radiation for me was having a newborn son and a 16-month-old daughter at home who needed me. For the first half of my chemo treatments I was able to get up at night with my son and then nap during the day. During the second half, friends and family made schedules to be there day and night to help me keep up with my little ones.

The day I learned how serious my tumor was, I accepted all the great offers for meals, shopping...anything offered by my family and friends. My husband and I met with my parents. I let them know that my deepest wish was to spend as much time with my children as possible, and that everything else could be taken care of for me (which it was)! At times I wished my children were older and self-reliant so I could lie on the couch or in bed and rest while I was awake. However, I was keenly aware they were too young to comprehend that I was sick. Children should not have to be burdened with the illness of a parent. Even as an adult, it is heart wrenching to watch a parent deal with a serious illness, so I am thankful my children did not understand what was going on at the time. Their energetic activity level and dependence helped me through the treatments even though it was excruciatingly exhausting.

MC: What has having breast cancer taught you?

LS: Miracles can and do happen on a daily basis. Many times we are too busy to see what is going on around us. I would encourage every woman to slow down and take time for herself, her family and her friends. I am incredibly thankful for every day.

MC: How has breast cancer changed how you live?

LS: I am much more willing to take on causes that are near and dear to my heart. My children are still small, but time passes too quickly. It is important to me that I enjoy this time, even if the piles of laundry are overflowing, the dishes need to be put away...I try to find time to have fun with my loved ones. Time is a precious gift, and it needs to be used wisely!

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